"How Your Mind Works Is The Most Powerful Determinant of Your Happiness
and Success."

When Your Mind Runs on Conditioned Patterns, Your Well-Being and Success Potential Can Be Sharply Limited

That's why I created the Clarity Now program.

It's the fastest, easiest way I know to free yourself from inner limits
you may not even know you have.

But if you feel blocked, stuck, stressed or overwhelmed,

or if you have repeating patterns in your life that you don't like,

then you're feeling the effects of limiting programming.

Clarity Now takes the brakes off your potential.

It does that by systematically removing
(and teaching you how to remove), things like:

  • Cognitive overload, that creates lack of focus and can become overwhelm

  • Fear, that shuts down higher thinking functions

  • Triggers and other emotionally charged reactions that cause unproductive behaviors and confused thinking

  • Normalization blindness (status quo thinking), that hides new possibilities.

  • Inner conflicts, that produce procrastination and paralysis

  • Limiting self-concepts, that stall action and produce self-sabotage

As the clouds of confusion clear ...

As fear-based programming is deleted ...

As internal limits are erased ...

Your naturally insightful mind emerges.

Your creative powers become stronger.

You become emotionally and mentally balanced and increasingly capable.

You start functioning, more and more, at your actual capacity.

These inner obstacles are normally hard to identify, let alone neutralize,

but in the Clarity Now program we systematically do both.

We start with whatever is top of mind as a problem, and create clarity.

There may be insights and freed up energy.

Or what seemed to be a problem may simply vanish.

Here are a couple of comments from first time users of the Clarity Process (which is what you'll experience in the free session you can register for below).


"...my messy challenge had been reduced to an uncomplicated either/or solution."

I had a problem—a messy business issue. Following Daimon's simple instructions, within what felt like only a few moments I was amazed—gobsmacked if you will—to find that my messy challenge had been reduced to an uncomplicated either/or solution. The confusion and ambivalence I started with were gone and I had a whole new, much lighter attitude about the whole thing. The technique is easy to follow, painless and remarkably efficient. I highly recommend it. J. Stone, PhD


"I came up with a new approach..."

Impressive Daimon! I focused on a project that I've been having difficulties with and went from a -4 to a +6 [on a -10 to +10 scale]. I came up with a new approach to implement the project. Kevin Curran


In the Clarity Now program, we use the Clarity Process to clear away whatever is up for you each week.

You'll learn to use it on your own, so it's yours forever.

You'll also learn:

  • How to understand yourself in a new way that puts you in charge of your life.

  • A collection of other powerful tools that complement the Clarity Process.

Each use of NeuroMastery® tools reclaims some of your neural real estate from conditioned reactions, assumptions, learned limits, and so on.

These things are in your way.

As they resolve, you move forward faster.

It's organic and emergent.

You become increasingly functional and whole.

You'll learn how your obstructive patterns are constructed, which lets you deal with them more directly and effectively than you've been taught.

As you master the concepts and tools (all of which are fundamentally simple),
you'll become confident that you can handle whatever comes your way.

This attitude shift alone can change your life.

For instance, one student said,

"I was going into a situation I knew would make me anxious, but I knew I could handle it afterward, so I never got anxious in the first place."

Imagine dropping your baseline anxiety level so you become unflappable.
You can do that.

Imagine being able to move through problems rapidly and with better results than you'd have otherwise.

You can do that.

Imagine the confidence you'll have if you consistently move through obstacles faster and with higher quality outcomes.

Imagine the compound effect of consistently higher quality results.

This could be the business or career advantage you've been looking for.

If you're intrigued but skeptical, I've got you covered.

Take it for a test drive.

Click the button below to register for a free experience of the Clarity Process.